610-369-7004 610-858-5363

Herb Real Estate, Inc.

1036 E. Philadelphia Avenue Gilbertsville, PA 19525

Greg is the Broker and President of Herb Real Estate, Inc. Greg has been in the real estate industry since 1979 and holds an associate degree with a major in real estate.  He has earned the designations of ABR, AHWD, CRB, CRS, GREEN, GRI and holds his C2EX certification.

Greg has kept abreast of the vastly changing environment of real estate through his commitment to continued education, to better serve his customers and clients, as well as his continued involvement within the industry. Greg has served as president of the Montgomery County Association of Realtors and was a member of the Board of Directors.  Greg also served on the Board of Directors for the Realtors Legislative Alliance.   On the state level he served as the 2009 President of the PA Association of REALTORS. He chaired many committees, work groups and PAG’s including Headquarter & Staffing, Legislative, Public Policy Coordinating Committee, Legal Action, RPAC & Finance and continues to serve as a Director.  In 2010 Greg was honored as Realtor of the Year and in 2012 received the Realtor Active in Politics for the State Association.

On the national level Greg has served on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Realtors continuously since 1999.  He has served on many committees, work groups and PAG’s including RPAC Fundraising Trustee and Major Donor Council, Federal Housing, Risk Management, Business Issues and Institute, Consumer Advocacy Outreach Board and Affiliate Advisory Board.  Additionally, he served as Chair of Marketing Forum, 2010 Regional Vice President and 2011 Vice Chair of Business Technology Information’s System.  He also served as a Liaison for Consumer Relations in 2015 and in 2019 was Chair of State and Local Issue Mobilization Committee.   In 2012 Greg was honored with the NAR Federal Political Coordinator Meritorious Service Award.  In 2022 Greg served as the Realtor Party Community Engagement Liaison overseeing Diversity, State & Local Issues Policy, Housing Opportunities Committee and served on the Smart Growth Advisory Board.   As part of the travel team, he was the liaison to the following partnering organizations:  The National Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, The American Asian Real Estate Association, The National Association of Real Estate Professional Realists and Fair Housing Alliance serving the LGBTQ+ community.

Greg has served on the Board of Directors for the CRB (Real Estate Brokerage Manager Council) and was the National President in 2005 and inducted into the Hall of Leaders in November of 2020.

Greg served on many community organizations as well including the Board of Directors for the YMCA, AMBUCS, The United Way, and the Boy Scouts of America, Hawk Mountain Council, where he received the Silver Beaver Award. He is also a member of the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce and Berks-Mont Business Association.  He is a founding member of and serves as President of the Foundation for Boyertown Education, a nonprofit 501(C) 3 organization.

Local Industry Involvement                                          Tri County Chamber

Board President 1998                                                    Business Council

Tri County Suburban Realtors                                       Progress Dinner Committee Emcee

RPAC and Leadership                                                 

                                                                                    Colebrookdale Railroad

State Association                                                          Volunteer

President 2009                                                             Narrator

Board of Directors 1997 -Present                                  

Trustee, Keystone Analytics                                          Foundation for Boyertown Education

Vice Chair, Public Policy & Committee                         Board President 2013-Present

Past President Advisory Council                                     Founding Member

Consumer Communications                                         

Legislative Committee                                                  Boy Scouts of America

Real Estate Legislative Caucus                                      Executive Board Hawk Mountain Council


National Association                                                    Ambler Savings Bank

Federal Political Coordinator-18 years                           Trustee/Board of Directors

Trustee, RPAC Fundraising                                          

Chair, State & Local Issues Mobilization                        Penn State University

20+ Presidential Advisory & Work Groups                    Instructor Pre-licensing

20+ Committees & Boards                                            Real Estate Principles & Practice

Board of Directors 1999-present                                    Real Estate Fundamentals

Regional Vice President 2010

2015 Consumer Relation Liaison                                   Building a Better Boyertown

2022 Realtor Party Community Liaison                         Economic Redevelopment Committee

                                                                                    Town Visioning Steering Committee

PA Dept. of Environmental Protection

Technical Advisory Board

Public Water Systems (2021-Present)